Corn Potage

Corn potage ・ コーンポタージュ is a very creamy corn soup.

Corn potage
How to make corn potage

Corn Potage is a simple staple in many Japanese homes for all types of occasions and seasons. A lot of Japanese people love corn potage so much that they keep a stock in their pantry of the store-bought, instant-type for a light meal or breakfast. You may have seen these little packets in Japanese grocery stores, but they can get a bit pricy here in the States. Not to mention that portions are… well, Japanese sized (not very filling for some big eaters!). If you are like me though, you’ll want to make a huge batch of it and enjoy it with family and friends! It’s also perfect to just keep in the fridge to eat over the next few days.

I will share with you the easiest, and possibly the cheapest, way to make corn potage at home!

These are the only ingredients you need for this recipe:

Ingredients for corn potage
Ingredients for corn potage

3 Tips for Making Easy Corn Potage:

  • Simmer: As you cook the corn in milk, make sure you simmer for at least 5 minutes to get a rich corn flavor. If you have time, then I suggest 10-15 minutes of simmering to squeeze out as much corn flavor as possible.
Corn pottage boiling
  • Thickness: You can decide how thick/creamy you want the potage to be by changing the amount of milk you add during Step 2 in the recipe.
How to make corn potage
  • Taste: Taste as you go! Because you can adjust the amount of milk you are adding to the potage, you’ll also want to adjust the amount of chicken bullion powder that you add in Step 2.
How to make corn potage

Corn Potage ・ コーンポタージュ (Japanese corn soup)

Corn potage is a creamy corn soup that Japanese people often eat on cold mornings.
Course Appetizer, Breakfast, Side Dish
Cuisine Japanese
Keyword Corn, Soup
Cook Time 25 minutes
Servings 4 people


Step 1

  • 15 g butter
  • 455 g frozen corn (16oz bag / 3 cups) yellow corn, white corn, or both
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp pepper
  • 1 tsp dried parsley
  • 470 ml milk (2 cups)

Step 2

  • 1-2 cups milk (or heavy whipping cream)
  • 15 g butter
  • 1/2 – 1 1/2 tbsp chicken bullion powder


  • salt and pepper to taste
  • dried (or fresh) parsley for garnish


Step 1

  • In a large pot, sauté frozen corn with butter on high heat.
    How to make corn potage
  • Once the corn is cooked (heated and soft), reduce the heat to medium; then add salt, pepper, and dried parsley. Continue to sauté for another minute.
    Adding salt, pepper, parsley to corn
  • Add milk and bring to a boil; then simmer for at least 5 minutes.
    Adding milk to corn
  • Take the pot off the heat and blend the contents with an immersion blender until there are no whole corn kernels left.
    How to make corn potage
  • Once well blended, sieve the corn soup with a fine strainer into a bowl.
    How to make corn potage
  • Be sure to squeeze all the soup into the bowl.
    How to make corn potage
  • Add the soup back into the empty pot. (Optional: for a smoother soup, rinse the strainer quickly and sieve the soup one more time before adding it back to the pot.)
    How to make corn potage

Step 2

  • On medium high heat, add 1-2 cups of milk. (If you like a very thick potage, add 1 cup or less. If you like a soupy potage, add 2 cups of milk. If you want to make it creamier, add heavy whipping cream instead.) Then add butter and chicken bullion powder. (Add the bullion powder little by little to taste.)
    How to make corn potage
  • Stir well and simmer for a few minutes until well blended.


  • Add salt and pepper to taste if needed.
  • Sprinkle dried (or fresh) parsley to garnish.
    How to make corn potage


Enjoy as a breakfast on a cold morning, a side dish of a fancy dinner, a light meal with toast, or a cold soup as a refresher on a hot summer day!

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